Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 7 EOC: Johnny Cupcakes Discussion Questions

1. Viral fashion branding is a marketing technique using pre-existing social networks in order to gain word of mouth advertising. All of Johnny's fashion branding had been implemented through self-promotion, word of mouth, or by using electronic methods such as e-mail and the internet. No pricey marketing firm has helped this young entrepreneur. Johnny Cupcakes has created a loyal customer base on his own terms.
2. Viral branding is a good way of promoting product because it is essentially very cheap and you have the ability to promote to who and where you would want in order to reach the audience you desire.
3.Johnny Cupcakes allows customers to feel like they are special by giving them an individual brand where they pick something that fits their personality such as using things like tv shows and characters like Hello Kitty and Rugrats in order for people to pick but what fits their particular brand.
4. Johnny Cupcakes brand relates more to the Generation Y rather than the baby boomers and Generation X. The nostalgia and pop culture influences he uses are more for the Generation Y who are now ages 18-25 who watched shows like Rugrats, Ahhh Real Monsters, and CatDog when they were little.
5. I personally like Johnny Cupcakes idea and his products though I do not consider his idea to be to original since it is mostly graphic t-shirts using characters from tv shows and making them his own it is very simple. Though his idea did work and i think it was creative and something that catches peoples attention.

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